Installation of New Elevators
We can install new lifts in new buildings as required, or we can replace old, tried lifts with brand new energy efficient products in existing buildings.
New installations may require that the existing lift cars are replaced. However, this is often not necessary as the cars themselves tend not to date or develop problems. However, if the building has changed in terms of its use, then new lift cars may be appropriate.
Sometimes, customers would like new lifts that take more weight/ passengers. To increase the size of the cars depends on the size of the lift shaft. Any building works required to increase the size of lift shafts is not included in quotes from lift companies. Also, with an increased car size and weight, there is altered load/ speed ratios and ensuing engineering and compliance issues. Hence a new install where the lift car size is increased could be quite costly.
At Auckland Lifts, we will advise you on the cost/ benefit ratio for your new installation as well as compare the costings to a lift upgrade. Many times we have found that customers have been advised by other companies to have total lift replacement when it is not necessary. An upgrade can bring the reliability, safety, efficiency and the modern look that you need without the expense of a new installation.
Auckland Lifts Ltd installs a German designed elevator for goods or passenger applications at very competitive prices.
Please ask us for a quote – we can explain all options suitable to your particular building and situation. We always endeavour to provide the option that suits you, and your budget taking into account future reliability of the lift and the energy savings that come from a modern elevator system.